Daniel Reitz
Dan Reitz grew up south of Rochester, New York and attended Salem College in West Virginia. After college he worked in Vero Beach Florida building airplanes with Piper Aircraft. When the aircraft manufacturer was forced to downsize in the late 70s he moved back to Rochester and worked building prototypes for Rochester Instrument Systems. He purchased his first house in Rochester and left manufacturing to work with an inner-city non-profit community group work. He moved to Pittsburgh in 1987, continued with community organizing, and was named the first Executive Director of the Three Rivers Community Fund in 1994. In 1995, he moved to Washington PA and joined the Washington County Council on Economic Development, retiring after 25 years as the Executive Director.
Dan is a certified economic development financial professional, is a founding board member of the Washington County Gay Straight Alliance (WCGSA) and has been a Persad Board member since 2016. He is an Eagle Scout who enjoys gardening, dinnerware, travel, and is learning to bake bread and make jams and jellies in his retirement.
He is committed to PERSAD’s mission and gives generously of his time, treasure, and talent for both Persad and the WCGSA. He currently leads a support group in Washington with the WCGSA twice monthly for the 55+ LGBTQ+ community.